MyRotate 1.0 - 3d Rotating Label Component The TDSLabel component is a descendent of TLabel. The additional properties added are: MyTransparent - I use this to set the component color to its' parent without effecting the entire clieght area. Only the label area is turned to its' parent color, not the entire clieght area. LabelStyle - Parent property - has component editor AHShadeOffSet - Integer, Distance of Horizontal shadow at 0 degrees Angle - Integer, 0 to 359, Angle of the label AShadeLeftTop - TColor, the shadow Color AShadeRightBottom - TColor the Other shadow Color AStyle3d - Pick from Raised, Reset,shadowed, and Normal AVShadeOffSet - Integer, Distance of Verticule shadow at 0 degrees To install this component, unzip into your components directory. Then from within Delphi select Options|Install Components. Then select Add and then Browse for MyRotate.pas. That's it. This component will get installed on a Samples tab. If you use MyTransparent then the AStyle3d defaults to Normal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This component is public domain and can be distributed freely. This component and all associated files have no warranty or guarantees. If you install this component/use it and it destroys your system/life, author is not responsible. Main files MyRotate.pas, MyRotated.pas, MyRotate.DCR MyRotated.dfm If you dicover any bugs, or motify the component please sent me a copy Mark O. Purvis